Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Talk Like A Nerdfighter Part Two


THE CONTINUATION BLOG!!!! (insert trumpets here)

As one may have guessed this blog is another set of terms that will come in handy in Nerdfighteria. Unlike my last post the terms in this post are not necessarily essential to your continued existence in Nerdfighteria. They are, however, widely used and knowing them will mean less moments of confusion and more moments of AWESOME in your Nerdfighter life. Especially when you use them in a conversation with someone you previously thought to be a decepticon and make a new Nerdfighter friend!

EVIL BABY ORPHANAGE: An orphanage founded by two time travelers in 2056 that takes the child versions of dictators, tyrants and murders out of their time periods and reforms them. A list of evil babies can be found here.

DANIEL BISS: Nerdfighteria’s resident mathematician. He is often called upon by John Green to assist him with a somewhat difficult equation or theory that John has been unable to do or done wrong. Daniel is the one who formulated the equation which predicts the length of any romantic relationship in John’s novel ‘An Abundance of Katherines.’

FRENCH THE LLAMA: A term of exclamation. For example French the llama! That’s an ugly duckling.’


HEADDESK: To intentionally hit ones forehead against their desk, quite similar to the facepalm though more effective. It is the action taken by a Nerdfighter after witnessing another’s complete and total fail. A headdesk is considerably more successful with the application of a mouse mat, which greatly reduces headdesk related injuries.

JOKES: A synonym for cool. It was coined in the comments of the Vlogbrothers video Accio Deathly Hallows when a Nerdfighter said ‘This is so Jokes You have real Skillz’ and John Green replied Wouldn't it be great if, instead of saying cool we always said jokes?’ Hank Green’s debut album went on to be called So Jokes.

THE KATHERINE: Hank Green’s wife. She can be seen in a number of videos and has sung with Hank Green in many of his songs, including the song I’m Not Edward Cullen from his album This Machine Pwns N00bs.

A classic example of John's amazing puff
 PUFF LEVELS: The level of ‘puff’ in a person’s hair. John Green’s hair is incredibly susceptible to puff, which increases when he gets anxious, helped by the fact that he runs his hands through his hair a lot more when stressed.

PUPPY SIZED ELEPHANT: An elephant the size of a puppy. The ultimate Nerdfighting pet, they have the evolutionary advantage of unimaginable cuteness.

STUFF ON HEADS: This one’s pretty self-explanatory. Nerdfighters like to put things on their heads, it makes them feel awesome and it alerts others to the awesomeness of the Nerdfighter in question.

TINY CHICKEN DISEASE: Where lots of tiny chickens lay eggs in your brain, it stuffs up your head and comes out your nose. In the common vernacular it is a cold.

TRAGEDIES: The opposite of Jokes, not cool. For example ‘I missed last night’s episode of Doctor Who! It’s so tragedies!’

WARNER CHILCOTT: A pharmaceutical company in America, who, among other things, manufactures the medication for people suffering from ulcerative colitis. It is used in Nerdfighteria as a curse word and can be substituted for any know curse word, except for when referring to a specific object. The phrase is most often used to mean ‘screwed over’ or ripped off.

Bubbles the Nerdfighting Puppy

WILLY: The dog of John Green and The Yeti. He is also known as Fireball Wilson Roberts, the Dread Pirate Fireball Roberts and Bubbles the Nerdfighting Puppy.

THE YETI: John Green’s wife. She has chosen to remain unidentified and un-photographed though her hands and at times her legs can be seen during some of John Green’s videos and her voice and laughter can be heard in a number of videos. Most notably John’s chin waxing punishment video. It has been rumored that photographs of her do exist though few have ever laid eyes upon them.

So that concludes the 'useful terms' part of my blog. My next post will no doubt be filled with great excitement and daring as our intrepid hero ventures deeper into the mysterious land of Nerdfighteria (but not too deep in case she gets lost).
Untill that fabled day

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